Friday, August 7, 2009

Ilex crenata
Common Name: Japanese Holly, Box-leaved Holly
Family: Aquifoliaceae


Photo: Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT

Plant is Native to: Japan, Korea, many other Asian countries. Introduced to the US in 1898, at Arnold Arboretum.
Plant Height at maturity: 5 to 10' with similar spread.
Plant Habit and Form: A dense, compact shrub, with multiple rigid branches. Rounded or broad rounded outline. Slow growth.
Foliage: Dark green, lustrous leaves above. Evergreen. Oblong, alternating with serrated margins. 1 to 2" long. Short petiole.

Photo: Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT

Bark: Smooth, gray-brown or slightly greenish; mostly hidden by dense foliage.
Flower: Dioecious, unisexual, dull greenish white with 4 petals, in May-June; not showy. Grow in leaf-axils of current season’s growth.
Fruit/Seed: Black berry-like seed, 1/4" diameter; inconspicuous because born under the foliage. Only female plants bear fruit in September-October.
Growing Requirements: Zone 5 to 8, but best in 5 to 7. Prefers light, moist, well-drained, slightly acid soils; adapts to sun or shade. Does well in city gardens.
Problems and Drawbacks: In high pH soils, chlorosis may occur. Susceptible to spider mites, nematodes (in south) and black knot disease (Thielaviopsis basicola).
Special Uses: Good landscape plant, for textural differences in foundation plantings, hedges and masses. Exceptionally hardy and long-lived. In Japan, have been maintained for so long they can be walked on. Best if pruned in a natural style, but often over pruned to make ‘sculptures’.
ID Tips/Remarks: Differentiated from Buxus by its serrated leaf edges, and alternating leaf on stem. (Buxus has opposing leaves, with smooth edges).
Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, 1998 Stipes Publishing, Champaigne, IL

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