Friday, August 7, 2009

Malus floribunda spp.
Common Name: Flowering crabapple
Family: Rosaceae


Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT

Plant is Native to: Japan; hardy to Zone 4b.
Plant Height at maturity: 15 to 25 feet,
Plant Habit and Form: Deciduous tree; broad, rounded, densely branched canopy; irregular shape.
Foliage: Alternate, simple leaf; elliptic/oval shape, with serrated leaf margin. 2 to 4 inches long. Fall color is yellow, not showy.

Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT

Bark: No thorns, grows with multiple trunks, but can be pruned to single trunk. Current year twig color is brown.

Avon, CT

Flower: 1 to 1 ½ inch bloom, begin as deep pink to red buds, eventually fading to glistening white as they open. Very showy, with pleasant fragrance. May bloom.

Avon, CT

Hill-Stead Museum, CT

Fruit/Seed: round, fleshy, red or yellow fruit; ½ inch diameter.
Growing Requirements: Full sun. Can tolerate pH 5.0 to 8.0. Prefers well-drained soil; tolerant of clay, loam or sandy soil.
Problems and Drawbacks: Cedar-apple rust, scab and mildew; fireblight; Japanese beetles. Pests include aphids, fall web worm, scales, mites and tent caterpillars.
Special Uses: Fruit attracts birds; squirrels and other mammals; suited for human consumption; no significant litter problem, persists on tree. Showy. Often used as street trees, median trees.
ID Tips/Remarks: Numerous cultivars based on flower color, fruit, stature and disease resistance. Japanese flowering crabapple has good disease resistance.

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